Curried Sweet Potatoes with Sausage Recipe

Curried Sweet Potatoes with Sausage Recipe

A modern twist on traditional yams that unites the incredible spices of India with the taste palette of America. Fantastic as a warming meal on a cold day, or a wholesome dinner any day. If you’re feeling adventurous, mix it up with a variety of flavoured sausages.

Yield: 2 Servings
PrepTime: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 35 Minutes
Total Time: 40 Minutes


1 Sweet potato (yam)
¼ Onion
4 Tofurky dogs (Meat sausages work great also!)
1 Tsp curry powder
¼ Tsp cinnamon (optional)
Sea salt
Olive oil


Step 1:

Cut the sweet potatoes into cubes and place them in a bowl.

Step 2:

Stir the potatoes with olive oil and sprinkle in the salt, cinnamon and curry powder until they are covered equally.


Step 3:

Place the potatoes into the tray and cook until they begin to soften, stirring occasionally.


Step 4:

Once the potatoes are soft, add the sausages and return the tray to the stove until cooked thoroughly.


Step 5:

Serve with mixed lettuce and your favorite salad dressing.


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